The Orchard
The Orchard is for everyone and anyone, including if you’ve never been to church before and just want to explore what it’s all about.
Welcome to The Orchard
The Orchard is for everyone and anyone, including if you’ve never been to church before and just want to explore what it’s all about.
We’re part of the local Church of England in Chilwell and though The Orchard might look a bit different to ‘traditional’ church, our heart is still to love God and love our neighbours.
We help each other discover how much we are loved by God, who we are, and what life is about. It’s a place to grow deep roots of faith and where hearts and lives can be changed by God’s Holy Spirit.
What Happens at The Orchard?
On Sundays twice a month from 4pm, we EAT, PLAY and GROW together. On Sundays we usually share a meal (it’s free of charge), spend time playing games, praying, singing and listening to God speak to us through the Bible.
We’re currently a group of 35-40 people ages 0-70+ and would love to welcome you to come and see.
If you want to get in touch or find out more, drop us an email: or you can call the church office on 0115 9222809.
What’s On
Explore what’s on the horizon this month and beyond!