Inspire Youth
Ages 14 – 18 (School Years 10 – 13)
We have an incredible group of youth, and we are keen to make Inspire a place where all youth feel welcomed and valued. We enjoy exploring the bible, questions about faith and having fun together! Please get in touch with the Youth Pastor if you would like to find out more:
Serving Sunday
1st Sunday in the month
As part of our church community, many of our youth are involved in serving. Please let us know if you would like to get involved in serving in the church community.
Youth Life Group
2nd Sunday in the month
Sunday 7.00-9.00pm: Church Lounge
This is a chance to gather together to share life and dessert! We have games, puddings and a bible study. We delve into scripture and look at how to apply what we’ve learnt to our lives.
Pause and Ponder
3rd and 5th Sunday in the month
Sunday morning: 10.45am, Church Office.
Have you ever wanted to pause the vicar right in the middle of the sermon and ask a question? We get to do this here! We gather in the Church Office, have games, donuts and then livestream the sermon. Buzzers are available that you can press if you have any questions you want to ask. We talk about how we can apply the talk to our lives and pray together.
Pizza Encounter
4th weekend in the month
Sunday 5.00- 7.30pm:
Church Lounge, finishing in the Church for the Encounter Service.
If you like Pizza, this is the event for you! We meet in the Church Lounge for a social (games, craft, chat). Then we gather to eat pizza, whilst we quiz a church member about their faith. We then move to the Encounter service – a chance to connect with God through worship, scripture, videos, a 5-minute talk, some discussion questions and prayer. After 45 minutes, there is the option to either stay in the service, or to move to the back for refreshments and more social time.
Pause and Ponder
Fri or Sat 7.00-9.00pm: Socials are once a half term.
Details will be sent out separately for each event.
We have some great socials in Inspire and enjoy having fun together! We run a Scavenger Hunt/Leader Hunt, a Bonfire Night party, a Murder Mystery, a talent show, a Bowling trip, a Eurovision party and a Summer BBQ.