Life Groups
At the heart of our Scattered LIFE, fuelling our every-day lives, are our Life Groups. If you want to learn to grow as a follower of Jesus and get to know others in the church more deeply, Life Groups are a fantastic place to do that. Whatever stage of life you’re at, you’ll find a healthy blend of encouragement and challenge from your Life Group to help you grow in faith and understanding, to be and become who you’re called to be as someone made in the image of God. (Contact Andy Tufnell for more info.)
C3Y Thursdays
An fun evening with a mix of activity and (relative) calm for those in school years 7-9. There’s a tuck shop, free pizza and soft drinks, big and loud games, and smaller and quieter games, and a short time to be still and focus on something meaningful together. (Contact the Penny Wallace for more info.)
Inspire Bible Studies
A relaxed evening for those in school years 10-13 to catch up, open the Bible together and make connections between what it says and everyday life for them. (Contact Sarah Meredith for more info.)
Men’s Fellowship
A low key ‘fellowship’ of men in the church meeting on the first Wednesday of each month in the church Lounge at 10am. When we meet, if there’s not a trip out somewhere, coffee is served, biscuits are shared, chats break out and an interesting talk is offered by a visitor. (Contact the Tony Smith for more info.)
Women’s Fellowship (Bethany)
A daytime ‘fellowship’ of ladies that seeks to offer love and friendship meeting on the second Wednesday of the month at the back of church, 10am-11am. The usual proceedings involve hearing from a guest speaker and, of course, coffee is always served and conversations freely flow. Alongside this there are several Bethany Small Groups that function much like our Life Groups, so fellowship and encouraging each other in faith and understanding are knitted together more neatly. (Contact the Parish Office for more info.)